Enhancing Group Leader Work Performance in Mining Company: The Role of Leadership Styles, Work Engagement and Motivation
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of leadership and motivation on the job performance of new group leaders at Pama using work engagement as a moderating variable. A variety of literatures are utilised to describe the interactions between leadership style, work engagement, motivation, and job performance. This is a quantitative research approach, with the study object being a mining business and the unit of analysis being the group leader. Researchers employed the PLS-SEM technique and SMART-PLS software to analyse the data collected from the distribution of the formulary questionnaire. The findings of this investigation demonstrate that a number of hypotheses are validated while others are not. This study's management implication is to advocate the execution of a few supported hypotheses.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Ulin Nuha, Mufid Rosichin, Muhammad Indrik, Anita Maharani
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