Aim and Scope

Daengku Journal strongly encourages transdisciplinary analysis of contemporary and historical social change in Asia and Africa by offering a meeting space for international scholars across the social sciences, including sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, economics, geography, history, political science, and psychology. Daengku Journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles, research notes, and short essays on Asian and African societies.


The Daengku seeks to publish high-quality research papers, review articles, and book reviews that make a contribution to knowledge through the application and development of theories, new data exploration, and/or scientific analysis of salient policy issues. The Scope of the Daengku includes the following areas:

Social Sciences: Anthropology, Asian Studies, Economics and Management, Education, Communication, Demography, Development, Gender Studies, Government & Public Policy, Human Ecology, International Relations, Media Studies, Peace and Conflict, Library Science, Political Science, Science, Technology & Society, Sociology, Ethics.

Humanities: Cultural Studies, Religious Studies, History, Law Studiees, Human Geography, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, Performing Arts (music, theatre & dance).