Exploring the Factors Contributing to Poor Academic Performance among Senior Secondary School Students: A Case of Wamakko Local Government Area, Sokoto State

  • Kamal Muhammad Sani Department of Sociology, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Rayhaan University Birnin‐Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria (NG)
  • Maryam Mamman Adam Northwest University Sokoto (NG)
  • Safiya Garba Nadama Usmanu Danfodio University (NG)
  • Fatima Abdullahi Muhammad Northwest University Sokoto (NG)
  • Madina Sani Udu Usmanu Danfodio University (NG)
  • Fatima Mohammed Sokoto State University (NG)
  • Abdulmumini Yusuf Datti Northwest University Sokoto (NG)
Keywords: Poor academic performance, Secondary school, Students, Wamakko, Sokoto State, Nigeria

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The principal aim of this research paper was to examine the social, psychological, and economic factors that contribute to poor academic performance (PAP) among senior secondary school students with special reference to Wamakko Local Government Area (WLGA), Sokoto State, Nigeria. We utilized a semi-structured questionnaire, in-depth interviews (IDI), and focus group discussions (FGD) to collect data from 220 enrolled senior secondary school students, 10 teachers, and 5 school principals. The statistical results revealed that numerous factors harm the academic performance of students in secondary schools. The results indicate that poor time management (75%), language barriers (74%), and financial constraints (70%) adversely affect the academic performance of senior secondary school students in WLGA. The study concludes with suggestions aimed at improving students’ academic performance.



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How to Cite
Muhammad Sani, K., Mamman Adam, M., Garba Nadama, S., Abdullahi Muhammad, F., Sani Udu, M., Mohammed , F., & Yusuf Datti, A. (2024). Exploring the Factors Contributing to Poor Academic Performance among Senior Secondary School Students: A Case of Wamakko Local Government Area, Sokoto State. EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation, 4(4), 580-593. https://doi.org/10.35877/454RI.eduline3070